Writing a Static Analyser in Rust

To try out the concept of Literate Programming (using the awesome tango crate), I'm going to write a small static analyser for a basic Programming language. Because it's so much more interesting to use a programming language available in the wild, compared to some contrived example, we're going to analyse Delphi (a Pascal variant).

Believe it or not, but this entire book is the actual source code for this static analyser. Check out the repo on GitHub if you want to see more.

Here's your basic Hello World:

procedure TForm1.ShowAMessage;
  ShowMessage('Hello World!');

All you need to do is use the IDE to hook that function up to be run whenever a button is clicked and it'll show a "Hello World!" dialog.

Note: The API docs for this crate should be placed alongside the book. You can access then here (you'll need to use cargo doc --open if viewing locally).

First up, lets add some top-level docs and import some crates we're going to need:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
//! A parser and static analysis library for exploring Delphi code.
//! This is written using a *Literate Programming* style, so you may find it
//! easier to inspect the [rendered version] instead.
//! [rendered version]: https://michael-f-bryan.github.io/static-analyser-in-rust/


extern crate pretty_assertions;
extern crate error_chain;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_derive;

There are several steps you need to perform to do static analysis, first is tokenizing (often called lexical analysis). This stage turns the characters in the raw source code into Tokens like "if", "begin", integer literals and operators.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub mod lex;

Next we do the parsing stage (semantic analysis) to convert our stream of tokens into an Abstract Syntax Tree. This is a representation of the program as it exists on disk.

A lot of static analysis passes can get away with working purely at the AST level. For example, if you want to make sure people don't accidentally divide by zero it's just a case of looking for all division nodes and checking that the right hand isn't a numeric literal representing zero (e.g. 0 or 0.0).

Another useful lint which can be applied at this level is cyclomatic complexity, i.e. how "complex" a function/procedure is. This is normally just a case of walking the body of a function and counting the number of branches, loops, and try/catch blocks encountered.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub mod parse;

The third step is type checking and generating a High level Intermediate Representation (HIR), often referred to as "lowering" (converting from a high level representation to a lower one).

While the AST is very flexible and useful, it works at the language syntax level and completely misses the semantics of a language. This means an expression like 'foo' + 42 or dereferencing a float is a perfectly valid AST node.

To perform some of the more advanced analyses we'll need to have access to the full context surrounding an expression to determine if it is valid. This typically involves figuring out the type for each variable and expression, as well as resolving imports and stitching multiple unit files into one cohesive data structure.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub mod lowering;

Now we've finally resolved all imports and types we're guaranteed to have a syntactically and semantically valid program. This doesn't mean it's correct though! At this stage we can create passes which employ the full strength of the compiler/static analyser to check the logic of our program. This lets us do

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub mod analysis;

We also need to handle internal errors. To keep things clean lets put that in its own module too.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub mod errors;

Another very important thing to have is a mapping which lets you talk about a logical chunk of code (i.e. this function body or that string literal) and retrieve the corresponding source code. This will be crucial for the later steps where we want to indicate where an error occurred to the user.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub mod codemap;

Finally, there's the Driver. He's in charge of the show an is usually the thing you'll want to invoke or hook into to tweak the analysis process.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
mod driver;
pub use driver::Driver;

A Note on Project Design

A lot of the time, if you need to write a parser you'll want to use some sort of parser combinator or generator library. This greatly decreases the effort and time required, but you often trade that off with poor error handling and error messages. Because we're writing a tool for analysing your code, it stands to reason that if the user passes in dodgy code, we can detect this (without crashing) and emit a useful error message. All of this means that we'll want to write the lexing and parsing stuff by hand instead of deferring to another tool.

If you are following along at home, click through to one of the sections to learn about it in more detail.