
To make testing easier, we're going to create a tok!() macro which uses the magic of Into<Token> to intelligently create tokens.

/// Shorthand macro for generating a token from *anything* which can be 
/// converted into a `TokenKind`, or any of the `TokenKind` variants.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// #[macro_use]
/// extern crate static_analyser;
/// # fn main() {
/// tok!(Dot);
/// tok!(123);
/// tok!(3.14);
/// tok!(OpenParen);
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! tok {
    ($thing:tt) =>  {
            use $crate::lex::TokenKind::*;

We also want to add some tests to make sure the code it expands to is sane. Amusingly enough, we're going to write a macro to help generate tests to test our tok!() macro. This helps sidestep the otherwise unnecessary boilerplate around creating loads of almost similar tests which may deal with different types and syntactic structures.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
mod tests {
    use codemap::Span;
    use lex::{Token, TokenKind};

    macro_rules! token_macro_test {
        ($name:ident, $from:tt => $to:expr) => {
            fn $name() {
                let got: Token = tok!($from);
                let should_be = Token::new(Span::dummy(), $to);

                assert_eq!(got, should_be);

    token_macro_test!(tok_expands_to_dot, Dot => TokenKind::Dot);
    token_macro_test!(tok_expands_to_openparen, OpenParen => TokenKind::OpenParen);
    token_macro_test!(tok_expands_to_integer, 1234 => TokenKind::Integer(1234));
    token_macro_test!(tok_expands_to_decimal, 12.34 => TokenKind::Decimal(12.34));
    token_macro_test!(tok_expands_to_identifier, "Hello" => TokenKind::Identifier("Hello".to_string()));

When used this way, macros have a tendency to give horrible error messages. To make sure this won't happen I tried to pass in a non-existent TokenKind variant and see what happens:

error[E0425]: cannot find value `DoesntExist` in this scope
--> src/parse/
41 |     token_macro_test!(use_tok_with_nonexistent_thing, DoesntExist => TokenKind::Dot);
|                                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

I'm fairly happy with the results.