
Now that we've turned the source code into tokens we can construct a more computer-friendly representation for the program. This representation is often called an Abstract Syntax Tree because it's a high-level tree datastructure which reflects a program's syntax.

The General Idea

Before we start with parsing, lets look at an example chunk of Delphi code to get a feel for the language. A unit file is the basic building block of a Delphi program, analogous to a *.c file. The Main() function is typically elsewhere in GUI programs because an application's endpoint is typically managed by the GUI framework or IDE.

unit Unit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  Dialogs, StdCtrls;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Label1: TLabel;      // The label we have added
    Button1: TButton;    // The button we have added
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    { private declarations }
    { public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.dfm}

// The button action we have added
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Label1.Caption := 'Hello World';    // Label changed when button pressed


At a very high level, a unit file consists of a unit statement declaring the unit's name, followed by the interface (kinda like a *.h file) then an implementation section, before ending with a end..

There's a formal language used to express a language's grammar called Backus–Naur form. That previous paragraph would translate to something like the following:

file        = unit_decl interface implementation "end.";
unit_decl   = "unit" unit_name SEMICOLON;
unit_name   = WORD;
interface   = "interface" uses types vars;
uses        = "uses" WORD ("," WORD)* SEMICOLON
             | ε;
types       = "type" type_decl*;
vars        = "var" var_decl*;

With the terminals (WORD, SEMICOLON, and friends) being their usual selves.

Delphi has a pretty simple syntax, so we're going to use a standard recursive descent parser. This is just an object which has a method roughly corresponding to each rule in the language's grammar.

The Parser Object

As usual, before we can do anything else we're going to have to import a couple dependencies.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use std::rc::Rc;

use lex::{Token, TokenKind};
use codemap::{Span, FileMap};
use parse::ast::{Literal, LiteralKind, Ident, DottedIdent};
use errors::*;

The Parser itself just contains the tokens and their corresponding FileMap.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
/// A parser for turning a stream of tokens into a Abstract Syntax Tree.
pub struct Parser {
  tokens: Vec<Token>,
  filemap: Rc<FileMap>,
  current_index: usize,

impl Parser {
  /// Create a new parser.
  pub fn new(tokens: Vec<Token>, filemap: Rc<FileMap>) -> Parser {
    let current_index = 0;
    Parser { tokens, filemap, current_index }

  /// Peek at the current token.
  fn peek(&self) -> Option<&TokenKind> {
    self.tokens.get(self.current_index).map(|t| &t.kind)

  /// Get the current token, moving the index along one.
  fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&Token> {
    let tok = self.tokens.get(self.current_index);

    if tok.is_some() {
      self.current_index += 1;


We'll implement the various grammar rules from the bottom up. Meaning we'll start with the very basics like expressions, then build things up until we get to the overall program.

First up lets have a go at parsing Literals. We do it in two steps, first you peek at the next token to make sure it's a kind you expect, then you unpack the token and convert it into it's equivalent AST node. A lot of the pattern matching boilerplate can be minimised with the judicious use of macros.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
impl Parser {
  fn parse_literal(&mut self) -> Result<Literal> {
    match self.peek() {
      Some(&TokenKind::Integer(_)) | 
      Some(&TokenKind::Decimal(_)) | 
      Some(&TokenKind::QuotedString(_)) => {},
      Some(_) => bail!("Expected a literal"),
      None => bail!(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEOF),

    let next ="unreachable");
    let lit_kind = match next.kind {
      TokenKind::Integer(i) => LiteralKind::Integer(i),
      TokenKind::Decimal(d) => LiteralKind::Decimal(d),
      TokenKind::QuotedString(ref s) => LiteralKind::String(s.clone()),
      ref other => panic!("Unreachable token kind: {:?}", other),

    Ok(Literal {
      span: next.span,
      kind: lit_kind

Like the tokenizing module, we're going to need to write lots of tests to check our parser recognises things as we expect them to. Unfortunately the types and syntactic structures used will be slightly different, so we'll use macros to abstract away a lot of the boilerplate.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
macro_rules! parser_test {
  ($name:ident, $method:ident, $src:expr => $should_be:expr) =>  {
    fn $name() {
      // create a codemap and tokenize our input string
      let mut codemap = $crate::codemap::CodeMap::new();
      let filemap = codemap.insert_file("dummy.pas", $src);
      let tokenized = $crate::lex::tokenize(filemap.contents())
        .chain_err(|| "Tokenizing failed")
      let tokens = filemap.register_tokens(tokenized);

      let should_be = $should_be;

      let mut parser = Parser::new(tokens, filemap);
      let got = parser.$method().unwrap();

      assert_eq!(got, should_be);

Now we have our basic test harness set up, lets see if literal parsing works.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
parser_test!(integer_literal, parse_literal, "123" => LiteralKind::Integer(123));
parser_test!(parse_float_literal, parse_literal, "12.3" => LiteralKind::Decimal(12.3));
// TODO: re-enable this when string parsing is implemented
// parser_test!(parse_string_literal, parse_literal, "'12.3'" => LiteralKind::String("12.3".to_string()));

Another easy thing to implement is parsing identifiers and dotted identifiers (e.g. To recognise a dotted identifier you first look for one identifier, then keep trying to take a pair of dots and idents until there are no more.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
impl Parser {
  fn parse_ident(&mut self) -> Result<Ident> {
    match self.peek() {
      Some(&TokenKind::Identifier(_)) => {},
      _ => bail!("Expected an identifier"),

    let next =;

    if let TokenKind::Identifier(ref ident) = next.kind {
      Ok(Ident {
        span: next.span,
        name: ident.clone(),
    } else {

  fn parse_dotted_ident(&mut self) -> Result<DottedIdent> {
    let first = self.parse_ident()?;
    let mut parts = vec![first];

    while self.peek() == Some(&TokenKind::Dot) {
      let _ =;
      let next = self.parse_ident()?;

    // the span for a dotted ident should be the union of the spans for
    // each of its components.
    let span = parts.iter()
                    .fold(parts[0].span, |l, r| self.filemap.merge(l, r.span));

    Ok(DottedIdent { span, parts })    

Using our parser_test!() macro makes these a piece of cake to test.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
parser_test!(parse_a_basic_ident, parse_ident, "foo" => "foo");
parser_test!(parse_a_dotted_ident, parse_dotted_ident, "" => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]);
parser_test!(parse_a_single_ident_as_dotted, parse_dotted_ident, "foo" => ["foo"]);