The Parsing Stage

The Core part of the parsing stage is our Parser. This is what actually converts the tokens from a single file into an Abstract Syntax Tree which we can analyse.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
//! Parse a stream of `Tokens` into an *Abstract Syntax Tree* we can use for
//! the later steps.
#![allow(missing_docs, dead_code, unused_imports)]

mod macros;
mod parser;
pub use self::parser::Parser;

The other important datastructure in this module is the Abstract Syntax Tree and its various types of nodes.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
mod ast;
pub use self::ast::{Literal, LiteralKind, Ident, DottedIdent};

If you are following along at home you'll probably want to keep the pages for both the Parser and the AST open in tabs so you can swap between them easily.