Parser and AST

The next step in our quest to create a Kaleidoscope compiler is parse a stream of tokens into a more computer-friendly form, an Abstract Syntax Tree. An abstract syntax tree (AST) is a tree data structure with node types for each construct in the Kaleidoscope language.

The Language Grammar

Before we can start writing a parser we'll need to formalize exactly what form we expect Kaleidoscope to take. This is often referred to as the language's grammar.

At the top level a file is composed of zero or more items, where an item can either be a function definition (def foo() ...) or an extern declaration. Or stated more concisely:

file := item*
item := function_def
      | extern

An extern declaration is just the word "extern" followed by a function signature.

extern       := "extern" function_sig
function_sig := IDENT "(" IDENT* ")"

A function definition (our function_def rule) is just a function signature followed by an expression.

function_def := "def" function_sig expr

For now an expression can be either a literal, a variable name, or a function call. Like most other languages, the arguments to a function call can themselves be expressions. We use the symbol "ε" (epsilon) to indicate the case when nothing is a valid pattern (i.e. there are no arguments).

expr          := LITERAL
               | IDENT
               | function_call
function_call := IDENT "(" args ")"
args          := expr
               | expr ("," expr)*
               | ε

The notation we've been using so far is similar to the more formal Backus-Naur Form used to describe programming language syntax. Upper-case names (e.g. IDENT) are used to refer to literal tokens (sometimes called terminals), with lower-case names signifying a particular rule/syntactic construct in the language (non-terminal) that may be itself composed of other rules or tokens.

The Abstract Syntax Tree

Now we are more familiar with the language we can start writing out the data types which will make up Kaleidoscope's AST. The code for this will be placed in the src/ module.

This step is actually super easy, it's just a case of translating our grammar from the pseudo-BNF above into types. Whenever you see alternation ("or") you use an enum, and each line corresponds to a struct.

First up we have the definitions for a File and Item:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct File {
    pub items: Vec<Item>,
    pub span: Span,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Item {

In turn, these are made up from either a Function or a FunctionDecl (forward declaration).

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct FunctionDecl {
    pub ident: Ident,
    pub args: Vec<Ident>,
    pub span: Span,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Function {
    pub decl: FunctionDecl,
    pub body: Expr,
    pub span: Span,

And finally, we have the types which make up our expressions.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Expr {

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Ident {
    pub name: String,
    pub span: Span,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Literal {
    pub value: f64,
    pub span: Span,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct FunctionCall {
    pub ident: Ident,
    pub args: Vec<Ident>,
    pub span: Span,

There's nothing worse than a program which says there's an error in your program but never bothers to tell you where, so we'll need to keep track of the location of each AST node in the original source text. This can be done by creating a custom Span struct and keeping track of the byte index, but we can avoid reinventing the wheel with the codespan crate.

Codespan gives us nice things like a FileMap and CodeMap abstraction, as well as a bunch of functionality for generating diagnostics.

To start using the codespan crate, add it as a dependency then make sure to import it in

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use codespan::{self, ByteIndex};

pub type Span = codespan::Span<ByteIndex>;

Translating To Lalrpop

The reason we took the time to write down Kaleidoscope's grammar using formal notation is twofold. Having a formal spec for the language lets you definitively say whether a particular program is syntactically correct and also helps direct the development of the parser itself.

The second reason is lalrpop will generate a parser based upon a grammar file which lets the parser generator know what patterns are valid and what to do when a valid pattern is encountered.

Because lalrpop will generate the Rust code for parsing from our grammar file we need to execute a build step before compiling the main crate. This is done by writing a build script that invokes lalrpop.


extern crate lalrpop;

fn main() {

By simply invoking the process_root() function lalrpop will traverse our entire src/ directory looking for any *.lalrpop files, and generate the corresponding Rust parser code.

We also need to add lalrpop as a build dependency.

$ cargo add --build lalrpop
$ cat Cargo.toml
lalrpop = "0.15.2"

Now the build system is set up we can finally get to work on our grammar file.

Note:* If you aren't already familiar with lalrpop I highly suggest you read through the lalrpop guide. The guide explains how lalrpop works in more detail and walks you through writing grammar files.

Lalrpop uses a DSL to tell the parser generator how to parse our Kaleidoscope code and how to generate an AST from the parse results.

A grammar file is broken up into roughly two parts. At the start you can add arbitrary Rust code which will be copied to the top of the generated document, this is typically used to import the necessary types and functions. A special grammar; line separates the Rust preable from the rest of the grammar file, this is where the various grammar rules will go.

Our top-most rule is the File. This will generate a FileParser which should (hopefully) result in an ast::File struct.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// src/grammar.lalrpop


pub File: File = {
    <l:@L> <items:Item*> <r:@R> => File::new(items, Span::new(l, r)),

The syntax is kinda similar to a Rust match statement or macro_rules definition. On the left is a bunch of patterns and variable bindings, then there's a => followed by the Rust code to be run.

The above rule says we want to bind the match's start position (@L) to the l variable, followed by zero or more Items (bound to items), then we'll bind the end position (@R) to r. When the generated parser encounters something which matches that pattern, it'll execute the File::new() function and pass in the appropriate information.

This notation will probably be a little confusing if you've never used lalrpop before. If so, you should probably pause here and read their guide.

Note: Don't forget to add the trailing ; at the end of a rule's closing curly bracket. This has tripped me up more times than I'd like to admit.

We want to start seeing results fairly quickly, so I'm going to write the code for parsing just an extern statement first, then come back and fill out the rest of the grammar afterwards.

These are all the rules we'll need to parse a simple extern foo() line:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub Item: Item = {
    <Extern> => Item::Extern(<>),

Extern: FunctionDecl = {
    <l:@L> "extern" <name:Ident> "(" ")" <r:@R> => FunctionDecl::new(name, Vec::new(), Span::new(l, r)),

Ident: Ident = {
    <l:@L> <id:"ident"> <r:@R> => Ident::new(id.as_ident().unwrap(), Span::new(l, r)),

And because we're using a custom lexer we need to tell lalrpop how to use it. This is done in a special extern block which I usually put at the bottom of the file.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
extern {
    type Location = ByteIndex;
    type Error = ParseError<ByteIndex, Token<'input>, Void>;

    enum Token<'input> {
        "ident" => Token::Identifier(_),
        "extern" => Token::Extern,
        "(" => Token::OpenParen,
        ")" => Token::CloseParen,

Exercise for the Reader: In the above snippet you might notice we've added two extra variants to the Token enum, Token::OpenParen and Token::CloseParen. Try tweaking our construct_lexer() function until the following tests pass.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// src/
lexer_test!(recognise_open_paren, "(" => Token::OpenParen);
lexer_test!(recognise_close_paren, ")" => Token::CloseParen);

Hint: you may want to look at how we registered the def and extern keywords.

The above tells lalrpop what type we're using for the Location (codespan::ByteIndex) as well as how to report errors (the type Error line). We also need to tell it how to interpret the Tokens returned by the lexer, so there's an enum Token<'input> line as well.

This should be enough to make the following test pass!

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use grammar::ItemParser;
    use tokens;

    fn parse_an_extern() {
        let src = "extern foo()";
        let lexer = tokens::construct_lexer(src);

        let should_be = Item::Extern(FunctionDecl {
            ident: Ident {
                name: "foo".to_string(), 
                span: Span::new(ByteIndex(7), ByteIndex(10)),
            args: Vec::new(),
            span: Span::new(ByteIndex(0), ByteIndex(src.len() as u32)),

        let got = ItemParser::new().parse(lexer).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(got, should_be);

If you've got this far then congratulations. You can officially tokenize and parse some Kaleidoscope code!

From here on the process of adding more complex language constructs (e.g. function definitions, expressions) to the parser is actually quite mechanical. You:

  1. Add a test which takes a string of text and write out the type you expect it to parse into.
  2. Throw the text at the corresponding XXXParser type
  3. Add a rule matching the language construct to your grammar file
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the test passes

Parsing The Rest

Now we've got a better understanding of how to use lalrpop to parse code, lets implement the rest of our grammar rules. You'll quickly realise that the code written in grammar.lalrpop very closely follows the rules we wrote down at the beginning of the chapter.

We need to define the following constructs:

  • Functions (i.e. function signature + body)
  • Expressions (i.e. ident or literal or function call)
    • Function calls

We also need to add support for commas to our lexer, but hopefully this should be fairly routine for now. Just make sure the following test passes:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
lexer_test!(recognise_comma, "," => Token::Comma);

First off, as a sanity check lets add a couple tests for parsing identifiers and literals. This will make sure the ExprParser we're about to define (by adding an Expr rule to grammar.lalrpop) works as expected.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn parse_a_literal() {
    let src = "123";
    let lexer = tokens::construct_lexer(src);

    let should_be = Literal::new(123.0, Span::new(ByteIndex(0), ByteIndex(3)));
    let should_be = Expr::Literal(should_be);

    let got = ExprParser::new().parse(lexer).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(got, should_be);

fn parse_an_ident() {
    let src = "foo";
    let lexer = tokens::construct_lexer(src);

    let should_be = Ident::new("foo", Span::new(ByteIndex(0), ByteIndex(3)));
    let should_be = Expr::Ident(should_be);

    let got = ExprParser::new().parse(lexer).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(got, should_be);

Now we've got some tests to guide us, lets write the Expr rule.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// src/grammar.lalrpop

pub Expr: Expr = {
    <Ident> => Expr::Ident(<>),
    <Literal> => Expr::Literal(<>),

Literal: Literal = {
    <l:@L> <lit:"literal"> <r:@R> => Literal::new(lit.as_number().unwrap(), Span::new(l, r)),

Ident: Ident = {
    <l:@L> <id:"ident"> <r:@R> => Ident::new(id.as_ident().unwrap(), Span::new(l, r)),

Note: I've added a couple helper methods to make things easier. The as_number() method will return Some(f64) when a we get a Token::Number, and None otherwise. Likewise as_ident() will extract the &'input str part from an identifier token.

Lalrpop makes sure the "ident" pattern only matches a valid identifier token so we use unwrap() because we know the conversion will never fail (and if it does, this indicates a programming error so it should ideally blow up loudly).

Next we want to parse a function call into an Expr::FunctionCall. The test itself is pretty mundane, although constructing the exact AST we expect to parse is starting to get rather verbose.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn parse_a_function_call() {
    let src = "foo(a, b, 123)";
    let lexer = tokens::construct_lexer(src);

    let name = Ident::new("foo", Span::new(ByteIndex(0), ByteIndex(3)));
    let args = vec![
        Expr::Ident(Ident::new("a", Span::new(ByteIndex(4), ByteIndex(5)))),
        Expr::Ident(Ident::new("b", Span::new(ByteIndex(7), ByteIndex(8)))),
        Expr::Literal(Literal::new(123.0, Span::new(ByteIndex(10), ByteIndex(13)))),
    let should_be = Expr::FunctionCall(FunctionCall::new(
        Span::new(ByteIndex(0), ByteIndex(14)),

    let got = ExprParser::new().parse(lexer).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(got, should_be);

Implementing the rule is quite trivial though. Don't forget to update the Expr rule appropriately!

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub Expr: Expr = {
    <Ident> => Expr::Ident(<>),
    <Literal> => Expr::Literal(<>),
    <FunctionCall> => Expr::FunctionCall(<>),

FunctionCall: FunctionCall = {
    <l:@L> <name:Ident> "(" <args:Comma<Expr>> ")" <r:@R> => FunctionCall::new(name, args, Span::new(l, r)),

Comma<T>: Vec<T> = { 
    <v:(<T> ",")*> <e:T?> => match e { 
        None => v,
        Some(e) => {
            let mut v = v;

You'll notice we included a "macro" (Comma<T>) for parsing any comma-separated T, where T can be any arbitrary rule. This is literally copy-pasted from the Macros" chapter in the lalrpop book and lets us say "parse a comma-separated list of Expressions and bind them to the args variable" in a very concise way.

Last up is to parse a full function, which is made up of a "def", the function signature, and a function body.

Writing out the test for this one is a massive pain because of how nested the AST is getting. If you have a suggestion for making these tests easier to write, please let us know by making an issue on GitHub!!

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn parse_a_full_function() {
    let src = "def foo(a b) add(5, 3.15)";
    let lexer = tokens::construct_lexer(src);

    let name = Ident::new("foo", Span::new(ByteIndex(4), ByteIndex(7)));
    let args = vec![
        Ident::new("a", Span::new(ByteIndex(8), ByteIndex(9))),
        Ident::new("b", Span::new(ByteIndex(10), ByteIndex(11))),
    let decl = FunctionDecl::new(name, args, Span::new(ByteIndex(4), ByteIndex(12)));

    let call_name = Ident::new("add", Span::new(ByteIndex(13), ByteIndex(16)));
    let body_args = vec![
        Expr::Literal(Literal::new(5.0, Span::new(ByteIndex(17), ByteIndex(18)))),
        Expr::Literal(Literal::new(3.15, Span::new(ByteIndex(20), ByteIndex(24)))),

    let body = Expr::FunctionCall(FunctionCall::new(
        Span::new(ByteIndex(13), ByteIndex(25)),

    let should_be = Item::Function(Function::new(
        Span::new(ByteIndex(0), ByteIndex(25)),

    let got = ItemParser::new().parse(lexer).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(got, should_be);

As I was writing the rules for parsing a function I took the time to do a little refactoring and extract the common code between extern and def (the function signature part) into its own FunctionDecl rule.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub Item: Item = {
    <Extern> => Item::Extern(<>),
    <FunctionDef> => Item::Function(<>),

FunctionDef: Function = {
    <l:@L> "def" <decl:FunctionDecl> <body:Expr> <r:@R> => Function::new(decl, body, Span::new(l, r)),

Extern: FunctionDecl = {
    <l:@L> "extern" <decl:FunctionDecl> <r:@R> => FunctionDecl { span: Span::new(l, r), ..decl },

FunctionDecl: FunctionDecl = {
    <l:@L> <name:Ident> "(" <args:Ident*> ")" <r:@R> => FunctionDecl::new(name, args, Span::new(l, r)),

Hint: When using tests to make sure the parser gives you exactly what you expect, it often takes a non-trivial amount of time to figure out what's different between the two parse trees you received. This is especially annoying when updating things like the Span indices.

The pretty_assertions crate overrides the default assert_eq!() macro to show a full-colour diff, pointing out exactly what's wrong and how you can change it. You may find this useful for testing.