Return Types

A very powerful error handling mechanism in C-style programs (technically this is one because our FFI bindings export a C interface) is modelled on errno.

This employs a thread-local variable which holds the most recent error as well as some convenience functions for getting/clearing this variable. The theory is if a function fails then it should return an "obviously invalid" value (typically -1 or 0 when returning integers or null for pointers). The user can then check for this and consult the most recent error for more information. Of course that means all fallible operations must update the most recent error if they fail and that you must check the returned value of any fallible operation.

While it isn't as elegant as Rust's monad-style Result<T, E> with ? and the various combinators, it actually turns out to be a pretty solid error handling technique in practice.

Note: It is highly recommended to have a skim through libgit2's error handling docs. The error handling mechanism we'll be using takes a lot of inspiration from libgit2.

Working With Errors

We'll start off by defining a thread-local static variable with the thread_local!() macro and put it in the ffi module.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// client/src/

    static LAST_ERROR: RefCell<Option<Box<Error>>> = RefCell::new(None);

Notice that we haven't declared the error value public, this is so people are forced to access the error via getter and setter functions.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// client/src/

/// Update the most recent error, clearing whatever may have been there before.
pub fn update_last_error<E: Error + 'static>(err: E) {
    error!("Setting LAST_ERROR: {}", err);

        // Print a pseudo-backtrace for this error, following back each error's
        // cause until we reach the root error.
        let mut cause = err.cause();
        while let Some(parent_err) = cause {
            warn!("Caused by: {}", parent_err);
            cause = parent_err.cause();

    LAST_ERROR.with(|prev| {
        *prev.borrow_mut() = Some(Box::new(err));

/// Retrieve the most recent error, clearing it in the process.
pub fn take_last_error() -> Option<Box<Error>> {
    LAST_ERROR.with(|prev| prev.borrow_mut().take())

Neither of these are terribly interesting once you look at the thread_local!() macro's documentation. Notice that the actual type we're using needs to be RefCell<Option<_>> so we can have both interior mutability, and represent the fact that there may not have been any recent errors. It's annoying, but luckily due to the API's design the complexity won't leak into client code.

While the getters and setters we currently have are quite powerful, it's still not possible to use them outside of Rust. To remedy this we're going to add a function that is callable from C and will give the caller the most recent error message.

The idea is the caller will give us a buffer to write the string into. This part can be a little tricky because we have a couple edge cases and ergonomics issues to deal with.

For example, if the caller passing a buffer which isn't big enough to hold the error message we should return an error, obviously. However how does the caller know what a reasonable buffer size is to begin with? Making them guess isn't exactly a practical solution, so it'd be nice if we included a mechanism for calculating the error message's length without consuming the error message itself.

To deal with this we add an extra last_error_length() function.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// client/src/

/// Calculate the number of bytes in the last error's error message **not**
/// including any trailing `null` characters.
pub extern "C" fn last_error_length() -> c_int {
    LAST_ERROR.with(|prev| match *prev.borrow() {
        Some(ref err) => err.to_string().len() as c_int + 1,
        None => 0,

The second issue is more problematic. For all unix-based systems, the string type used pretty much ubiquitously is UTF-8, meaning we should be able to copy a Rust String's contents directly into the provided buffer without any issues. However, the "unicode" string type most commonly used on Windows is not UTF-8. Instead they use UTF-16 (well... technically it's not even valid UTF-16) which is completely incompatible with UTF-8.

Therefore on Windows if we want to be correct we should convert the String representation of an error message into a native Windows string with encode_wide() from std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt and copy that into a &mut [u16] buffer (not &mut [u8]!) that the user gives to us... Eww.

There's no easy way to get around this without a bunch of conditional compilation (#[cfg]) and adding a lot of complexity to the implementation, therefore we're going to cheat and say it's the caller's responsibility to deal with any UTF-8/UTF-16 conversions.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// client/src/

/// Write the most recent error message into a caller-provided buffer as a UTF-8
/// string, returning the number of bytes written.
/// # Note
/// This writes a **UTF-8** string into the buffer. Windows users may need to
/// convert it to a UTF-16 "unicode" afterwards.
/// If there are no recent errors then this returns `0` (because we wrote 0
/// bytes). `-1` is returned if there are any errors, for example when passed a
/// null pointer or a buffer of insufficient size.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn last_error_message(buffer: *mut c_char, length: c_int) -> c_int {
    if buffer.is_null() {
        warn!("Null pointer passed into last_error_message() as the buffer");
        return -1;

    let last_error = match take_last_error() {
        Some(err) => err,
        None => return 0,

    let error_message = last_error.to_string();

    let buffer = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buffer as *mut u8, length as usize);

    if error_message.len() >= buffer.len() {
        warn!("Buffer provided for writing the last error message is too small.");
            "Expected at least {} bytes but got {}",
            error_message.len() + 1,
        return -1;


    // Add a trailing null so people using the string as a `char *` don't
    // accidentally read into garbage.
    buffer[error_message.len()] = 0;

    error_message.len() as c_int

Our last_error_message() function turned out to be rather long, although most of it is taken up by checking for errors and edge cases.

Note: Notice that we're writing into a buffer provided by the caller instead of returning a Rust String. This makes memory management a lot easier because the caller can clean up the buffer like normal instead of needing to remember to call some Rust destructor afterwards.

Writing into borrowed buffers instead of returning an owned object is a common pattern when doing FFI. It helps simplify things and avoid errors due to object lifetimes (in general, not just in the Rust sense of the word) and forgetting to call destructors.

Adding update_last_error() To The FFI Bindings

Now we've got a shiny new error handling mechanism, we need to go back over the FFI bindings in client/src/ and make sure any fallible operations set call update_last_error() when they fail.

Because we are using error-chain for error handling in Rust, we've got the ability to add extra context to errors before calling update_last_error(), automatically updating the error's cause.

For example, you may refactor the request_create() function to look something like this:

// client/src/

 pub unsafe extern "C" fn request_create(url: *const c_char) -> *mut Request {
     if url.is_null() {
+        let err = Error::from("No URL provided");
+        update_last_error(err);
         return ptr::null_mut();
     let raw = CStr::from_ptr(url);
      let url_as_str = match raw.to_str() {
          Ok(s) => s,
-        Err(_) => return ptr::null_mut(),
+        Err(e) => {
+            let err = Error::with_chain(e, "Unable to convert URL to a UTF-8 string");
+            update_last_error(err);
+            return ptr::null_mut();
+        }
      let parsed_url = match Url::parse(url_as_str) {
          Ok(u) => u,
-        Err(_) => return ptr::null_mut(),
+        Err(e) => {
+            let err = Error::with_chain(e, "Unable to parse the URL");
+            update_last_error(err);
+            return ptr::null_mut();
+        }


For brevity's sake, we won't show how all the FFI bindings have been updated because it's largely tedious refactoring. However, feel free to inspect the source code for this guide if you are curious to see the final version.

C++ Error Bindings

We're going to expose this error handling mechanism to C++ in two ways, there will be a low level C++ equivalent to last_error_message() which simply calls the Rust function and does the necessary work to convert the error message into a std::string.

There will also be a more high-level WrapperException class which can be thrown whenever an operation fails. This should then be caught higher up by the Qt application and an appropriate error message will be displayed to the user.

First we need to add last_error_message() to our wrappers.hpp header file.

// gui/wrappers.hpp

std::string last_error_message();

Then we need to implement it.

// gui/wrappers.cpp

std::string last_error_message() {
  int error_length = ffi::last_error_length();

  if (error_length == 0) {
    return std::string();

  std::string msg(error_length, '\0');
  int ret = ffi::last_error_message(&msg[0], msg.length());
  if (ret <= 0) {
    // If we ever get here it's a bug
    throw new WrapperException("Fetching error message failed");

  return msg;

Notice that if there was no error we return an empty std::string instead of blowing up.

We also want to define a WrapperException class in the wrappers.hpp header file. To make things easier, we're defining a public static helper function which will create a new WrapperException from the most recent error.

// gui/wrappers.hpp

class WrapperException : std::exception {
  WrapperException(const std::string& msg) : msg(msg){};
  static WrapperException last_error();
  const char * what () const throw () {
      return msg.c_str();

  std::string msg;

The last_error() method has a fairly simple definition, it fetches the last error message and creates a new WrapperException with it. If the error message was empty then we use a default message.

// gui/wrappers.cpp

WrapperException WrapperException::last_error() {
  std::string msg = last_error_message();

  if (msg.length == 0) {
    return WrapperException("(no error available)");
  } else {
    return WrapperException(msg);

Integrating In The Error Handling Mechanism

Now we've got a proper error handling mechanism, we need to go back and make sure everything uses it. This is just a case of finding all throw statements in wrappers.cpp (using grep or your editor's "find" function) and converting them to use throw WrapperException::last_error().

The easiest way to check our error handling mechanism is to edit the click handler we've been using for testing and make it try to send a request to some invalid URL.

// gui/main_window.cpp

void MainWindow::onClick() {
  Request req("this is an invalid URL");

Now run the program and click the button.

$ ./gui/gui
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'WrapperException'
[1]    1016 abort (core dumped)  ./gui/gui

It... aborts?

This is because Qt, by default, won't try to catch any thrown exceptions, meaning they'll just bubble up to the top of the program and crash.

It'd be a much better user experience if the GUI would catch all thrown exceptions and pop up a nice dialog box saying what went wrong.

According to Qt's documentation on exceptions, it is undefined behaviour when a handler throws an exception. In this case it looks like the exception bubbled up the stack, unhandled, until it hit the program's entry point and triggered an abort. This isn't exactly ideal, so how about we wrap the click hander's contents in a big try/catch block?

// gui/main_window.cpp

void MainWindow::onClick() {
    Request req("this is an invalid URL");
  catch (const WrapperException& e)
    QMessageBox::warning(this, "Error", e.what());

That's much better. Now our application can deal with errors in a sane way, and is much more robust.

TODO: Add the error handling patterns developed in this chapter to the ffi-helpers crate.